LED Lighting
- Picking and place of workpieces by robot
- Picking parts from palette
- Robot handling and appearance inspection at assembly line
Picking and place of workpieces by robot
Picking and place of workpieces by robot will be done correctly utilizing area camera and lightings.
With high brightness bar lighting OPB-W2 series, wide area will be lit with high brightness. Even if the position of the workpieces is deviated, brightness in the area will be enough to capture the workpieces by the camera and the system will work stably.
Model: High brightness bar lighting OPB-W2 Series
Picking parts from palette
Positioning of robot arm to pick up parts for automotive utilizing ring lighting OPR series and machine vision.
OPR series with 70mm diameter can provide lighting for wide area, 200 * 200mm palette, and also for long range, 300 to 500mm distance. You can get wide area lit by only one LED lighting and also it enable down-sizing and cot-cut of equipment.
Model: Sensing ring lighting OPR-S70-43R
Robot handling and appearance inspection at assembly line
By installing area camera and ring lighting on assembly robot, robot vision and appearance inspection can be done at one time.
Ring lighting OPR-SF series is 2.5 times brighter than conventional model without using strobe overdrive power supply. Generally, strobe overdrive lighting will be in short period like 1msec though, OPR-SF can be lit for 10msec up to 100msec so adjusting timing with camera shutter is done very easily.
Model: Sensing ring lighting OPR-SF Series