Color and Pattern Matching SensorsCVS2-RA Series


Color and Shape Inspection at One Time for Various Application

  • All in one color vision sensor
  • For Pattern matching and Color inspection
  • Better sensitivity by Masking function
CVS2-RA Series

Pattern matching mode and Color inspection mode are available

Inspection of shape and direction of the object is available by pattern matching mode. You can use CVS2-RA as simple Color inspection sensor as well. Sorting by color is also available.

All in one

The sensor has a built-in Camera, LED Lighting, Display monitor and Controller. This structure enables water resistance IP67.

  • Correct background brightness

    CVS2-RA has a function that corrects evenness of background brightness. You register just the background for reference.

  • Wide coverage line-up

    You can choose from 4 inspection range/field of view according to inspection target condition.

  • Up to 15 Bank

    15 Banks are available in small all in one package.

Downloading setup parameters to PC

  • You can download setup data and image data into PC. You can use the image data on PC and can copy setup to other CVS2-RA. Please use I/F cable CVS-C2C.

Zoom function

  • CVS2-RA has Zoom function so you can zoom in up to twice size.

Setup Adjustable while line is running

CVS2-R provides output with the setup parameters given even while you are adjusting setup. You don't have to stop the line.

  • CVS2-RA has two processing unit individually so it can change parameters while vision processing is running without delay.

Correct background brightness

  • CVS2-RA has a function that corrects evenness of background brightness. You register just the background for reference.