Fiber UnitEASY MOUNTING Series


Square type with mounting hole that can be installed easily

  • An adjustable mounting type that switches between Head ON/Side ON switchable type is also available
  • Head ON, Side ON and Flat ON types are available.
  • Bending radius of R1 mm or R4 mm
  • NF-TE05, NF-TR05, NF-TR06:
    End of sales by August 2025

Head ON/Side ON switchable type 

  • Because the direction of the cable from the sensor head can be switchable, you can switch from Head ON to Side ON easily. It will help reducing inventory of the fiber cable.
    The bending radius is R1 mm which helps flexibility of installing the fiber cable.

Line up of Head ON, Side ON and Flat ON types

Compact and long-distance detecting Head ON, Side ON, and Flat ON types are available. Selection from among these easy-to-mount types.

Line up of R1 mm and R4 mm type

Available fiber cables include an easy-to-handle fl exible R1 mm and a fl exible R4 mm optimal for mounting to moving parts.
Selectable based on the application.